Friday, April 8, 2011

A Growing Epidemic...

I decided, tonight, on a whim, to go check out the site of my former home. For a long time when I was still a SL newborn and newbie, my friend Cinder and I both bought land on Pruni Lake approx (180, 38, 47). It was a gorgeous piece of land, part of what used to be a river cutting through mainland. My house was a watermill. Cinder custom-built it for me. I can't post a picture because I don't have the right software to convert the TGA file to a GIF.

I don't remember when we sold the land. If I remember correctly, it was because some jackass made a bunny farm on the sim that lagged the shit out of us.

I decided to go see what's going on there. The person we had sold it to had put up stupid fake flat pieces and rental houses among the verdant prim bushes. Apparently, no one wants to rent fake flying houses amid scentless greenery. This is what I found:

Me standing by Pruni Lake

He'd sold out! Yay! So I cammed around to see what else was around. And I found a whole lotta this:

Horsebreeding Corrals!

How the hell are they going to sell all those horses? Who even wants a damn horse anyway? Not I! What for? To ride? I don't even have a car. Who needs a car inworld when you have sexy shoes make for walking, and you can fly without flapping your arms?

I saw this guy tending his flock. An unlikely-looking rancher, eh?

I suppose the saying "you can never go home again" rings true in SecondLife as well as in Meatspace. 

More Horse Shots:
Isn't it amazing how much like Farmville this is?

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