Saturday, June 25, 2011

Another Date...

Today, I spent more time with Skip. He has a great sense of humor, and we had some fun. First we won a "best in latex" contest, then we went swimming, afterward, we cuddled in my house. I had to rez my bed again. I'd had to take it down after the infamous "Russian whores fucking in Saiya's bed and refused to leave" incident. (It also resulted in my putting in a security system... but that's another story!)

Just cuddling, okay? Ya pervs.

Friday, June 24, 2011

A Date, Not?

Tonight, I was at my usual danceclub, and I actually saw someone who caught my fancy. That never happens, and if it does, usually the guy is partnered or can't spell for shit. Both are ugh... to me. So I spoke to him. He's pretty. I complemented him. We had a nice long talk about tea. I invited him to see my new baby Meeroo as he'd never seen them before. I had to go make dinner. When I came back an hour or so later, he was standing there, apparently AFK.

There he stood. 

I waited a few hours, as I am not the type to be worn down by impatience. And as he never came back, I pushed him over by a fireplace and had a date without him.

Here I am, enjoying my beer. That's him. His name is Skip. He's really good looking.

I'm not desperate. I'm not hard to please. Just gimme a cute goth guy who is not uber large and I'm content. A little conversation would be good, but at this point, is that too much to ask?

I guess it's not perfection but who needs that? Besides, I had a hot man near me, a beer in my hand, and a lovely evening to enjoy.

Second Life's Simple Pleasures...

Saturday, June 4, 2011


My friend Cinder got rid of her Wildwood cats in favor of Meeroos. At first I thought... meh. Just another fashion craze. But jeez... they are the cutest things!
Me and Cinder and a Meeroo hanging out


I love how they come over and request cuddles. It's just about the sweetest thing ever! <3

Friday, April 22, 2011

All You Need is Love...

 Pete Frenzy & Saiya Stormcrow
 He has my leg, but he also has my heart.
Love ya, darling. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Damn Deformities!

One thing I hate about SL is when you're spending literally HOURS unpacking and trying on tons of clothes, and you go and put on an outfit and suddenly...

OH SHIT! What happened??!

You can see your ass. 

Dammit. I didn't realize it was that big!
Gotta drop a few pixels.

I'm so glad this doesn't happen IRL. I think I would be pretty embarrassed if someone took pictures of me without my wig with my head around backwards.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hunting Without Weapons!

Tonight began very normally, with me, Verity, and Raeny all at a lesbian club skanking.

I like how skankin makes my leg tats look posed!

Then we decided to go to on a hunt! I had never gone hunting before. Never had the patience. It's fun when you're not doing it alone out of boredom. We found a really awesome couch to pose on when we were at one of the hunt places.

Raeny, Ratchet, and Me

Ratchet rode the pickle!

And I was so tired I went to bed early, lol. But I got a ton of stuff in the hunt. It's going to take me awhile to organize my inventory again. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Question: Was I ever horse-crazy? Answer: NEIGH!

OMFG... I know this isn't SL related but I saw this ad-tab in my Facebook. Why am I being haunted by lame-ass games involving horses? I HATE HORSES!

Here's my reaction to the other ads, too:

Hypnobirthing: Fuck no. Give me the drugs, bitches.
Kathy Griffin Live: I'd rather saw my left ear off.
Grilled Cheese Chef: I burn that shit IRL on a good day.
Kohl's: Why would I go there when I could shop online for granny-style knickers instead?

I digress. Next blog will be about something SL-related. I promise.